Ah hey there everyone!
With the internet being big and lots of projects being seen, we do need to expand our horizons once in a while. We need to keep moving and keep evolving with the standards.
This is actually a really really nostalgic feeling to be back here in newgrounds, I was the type of person back in the days in school days when computer class is going, I would sneak in this site in a tab after working, I played all the classic games from johnny rocket fingers, line riders, watched egoraptor's re4 to metal gear awesome series, and even played lotsa nsfw games from hentai girl 1-4 and up to dating games XD. That's how you know how long I've been roaming the nsfw internets back in the days.
Seeing Newgrounds has evolved into something cleaner looking and a great haven for artists, it feels good to know there's still more sites for artists to shine other than deviantart or youtube. Let's hope lots of things to be amazing for the future.
In terms of who I am, I'm ok to actually start from now on what projects I'll be doing, I spend the year of 2017 learning multiple styles and stuff, learning how nsfw sites work, learning how to make my own name and even starting my own posts. Now after around a complete year, I still feel there's a lot more to learn, and it would be a great experience knowing how little I know in this time of 2018.
For those who know what I do, I do lotsa furry nsfw projects. Mostly 3d, in terms of 2d, I just know classic flash game hentai like hentai girl style, I know how to do classic frame by frame, by it's not easy without a great tab and pen. Back in the days, it's really really hard to find the best animated porn, we were stuck with really stiff 3d japanese porn up to flash porn games that click slow medium fast, now with the surge of newer programs, it's just an amazing time to love nsfw.
Let's go!